「第8回HiSEP特別セミナー(2022.1.20)」 開催のお知らせ
第8回HiSEP特別セミナーを1月20日(木)に開催します。今回はタイ?カセサート大学澳门电子游艺场_越南鸿运赌场论坛-彩客网彩票推荐遺伝学科からA. Sirikhachornkitさんに生物系のお話を英語でしていただきます。対面セミナ-ですがZOOMでの参加も歓迎します。ZOOM参加希望の方は hisep.saitama@gmail.com まで連絡ください。広く理工系?他学部の学生の皆さんの参加もお待ちしています。
主催 埼玉大学大学院理工学研究科?澳门电子游艺场_越南鸿运赌场论坛-彩客网彩票推荐
共催 澳门电子游艺场_越南鸿运赌场论坛-彩客网彩票推荐分子生物学科?グリーンバイオ研究センター
日時:2022年1月20日(木)3限 13:30-14:50 澳门电子游艺场_越南鸿运赌场论坛-彩客网彩票推荐1番教室
セミナータイトル:『Acclimation to high temperature in green microalgae』(緑藻の高温順応)
講師: Anchalee Sirikhachornkit 博士
Department of Genetics, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok
概要: Heat stress is a major environmental factor that has negative effects on plant growth and development, leading to great yield loss. Due to global warming, both daily temperatures and the occurrences of heat waves are on the rise. To be able to survive, plants must be able to adjust to a new environment through changes in various pathways. Evidence have shown that plants do exhibit acclimation or acquired tolerance to heat stress, the ability to survive under otherwise lethal temperature if they have experienced a higher non-lethal temperature beforehand. Moreover, during the process of acclimation, reactive oxygen species (ROS) are expected to be involved as general stress signals, but specific and unknown signals/mechanisms for heat acclimation are still yet to be discovered. Attempts have been made to identify these unknown signals/mechanisms using the plant model Arabidopsis thaliana, but due to complication with changes of heat acclimation phenotype at different growth stages, no new components were identified. The unicellular haploid green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a great model organism to study heat acclimation response including ROS signaling, and to identify unknown signals/mechanisms. Results showed that this alga does exhibit heat acclimation response similar to plants. This lecture will give an overview on the model organism Chlamydomonas and how it could be used for studying various pathways including acclimation response.