


「第6回HiSEP特別セミナー(2021.11.11)」 開催のお知らせ


第6回HiSEP特別セミナーは、埼玉大学の協定校であるロシア?国立アルタイ大学から宇宙物理学を専門とし、副学長でもあるライキンさんをお招きしセミナーをお願いしました。高エネルギー宇宙物理学に関わるお話とシベリア地区の特徴的な知性?文化の中からいろいろお話を伺う予定です。対面セミナ-ですがZOOMでの参加も歓迎します。ZOOM参加希望の方は hisep.saitama@gmail.com まで連絡ください。広く理工系?他学部の学生の皆さんの参加もお待ちしています。

日時:2021年11月11日 3限 13:30-14:50 澳门电子游艺场_越南鸿运赌场论坛-彩客网彩票推荐1番教室
セミナータイトル:Probing the High Energy Universe: Recent Achievements, Open Problems, and Future Plans

講師:Prof. Roman I. RAIKIN
Vice-rector for international affairs development,
Associate professor of Radiophysics and Theoretical Physics Dept.,
Altai State University

セミナー概要: The Universe communicates with us in many ways. For decades, astrophysicists have been collecting information using various channels or "messengers" well beyond visible light alone to very high-energy particles and, more recently, gravitational waves - to study the Universe. Fascinating large-scale ground- and space-based experimental facilities are used collaboratively, realizing the concept of "multi-messenger astrophysics" very promising for reaching progress in solving the basic problems in the field (from the nature of cosmological phenomena of dark matter and dark energy to hidden details of elementary particle physics).
  Key results obtained over the past decade by high-energy astroparticle physics, a unique interdisciplinary science that studies the highest-energy events occurring in the Universe by tracking very high-energy particles, the mysterious wanderers of the Universe, which penetrate through space and pelt the Earth are in the focus of this seminar. Prospects for solving some open problems in the coming years will be discussed.

