「第4回HiSEP特別セミナー(2018.5.17,20)」 開催のお知らせ」
日時:平成30年5月17日(木)3限 13:00~14:30
メキシコ グアダラハラ大学?宇宙惑星研究所
Dr. Eduardo de la Fuente
『Life Cycle of a Star: The Physicics Supported by the Technologies』
How are stars born?, How do they die?. How can we be sure of something we can not observe?. In this talk, I present the "state of art" of the star formation, explaining how newborn starts evolve and die. I remark the main physical concepts involved in the theory, and I explain how the use of technologies like the IT's are involved.
日時:平成30年5月20日(日)3限 15:50~16:50
ロシア?アルタイ州立大学副学長 電波?理論物理部門
Dr. Roman I. RAIKIN
『Recent Developments and Open Problems in Very High Energy Universe』
The main emphasis of this seminar is placed on recent progress in extensive air showers research including also few related aspects of high energy astroparticle physics. In addition, the history and perspectives of the Altai-Saitama collaboration in this field beginning in the early 1990s will be reviewed.