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  • 埼玉県内のキャンパスに通う18カ国38名の学生が鉄道博物館を楽しみました 38 students from 18 countries studying in Saitama enjoyed “the Railway Museum”

埼玉県内のキャンパスに通う18カ国38名の学生が鉄道博物館を楽しみました 38 students from 18 countries studying in Saitama enjoyed “the Railway Museum”








On Saturday, February 11, an exchange event was held between international and Japanese students studying at campuses in Saitama Prefecture. The event was "Let's go to the Railway Museum!” The day before the event, it snowed heavily. However, on that day, 38 students from 18 countries from 8 universities and Japanese language schools participated in the event, enjoyed a tour of the Railway Museum and international exchange in small groups led by Saitama University students.

Participants were required to know each other well in advance at the Zoom meetings held by each group to make the tour go smoothly. Each group members cooperated to uploaded a group photo as their assignments on SNS, and left the museum.

Comments from participants

“I was able to reconfirm how to communicate with people from completely different backgrounds, as we were faced with difficulties that are difficult to expect when dealing only with Japanese people.”
“This event was not just an event to visit the railway museum, but it was an opportunity for me to understand different countries.“
“It was a great opportunity to make wonderful friends from many different countries while communicating in Japanese, English, etc.“
“It inspired me to want to learn more English.”
“I was able to learn about the history and development of Japanese railroads.”

~This project was implemented as an exchange program of the “Saitama Association for International Studentsこのリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます”, which consists of universities and related organizations in Saitama Prefecture.~

