



Open Japanese language classes to Ukrainian refugees in Saitama Prefecture


As a support for the Ukrainian people who have taken refuge in Saitama Prefecture, Saitama University will open Japanese language classes. If you wish to attend the class, please apply as follows.

Class period October 5 (Wed), 2022 – February 15 (Wed), 2023
Preparation PC and internet environment are required.All information will be sent to you by e-mail.
Place & Format Face-to-face class at the classroom on Saitama University campus
Number of students accepted A few
*In case there are too many applicants, you may not be able to take the course.
Class details Acquisition of Japanese language necessary for daily life in Japan (for complete beginners of Japanese language).
*Please be sure to attend the first class and participate in every class.

A.  Japanese Language for Science and Technology I-Aこのリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます
   Monday 13:00-15:25 and Friday 13:00-15:25

B.  Japanese Language for Science and Technology I-Bこのリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます
   Monday 14:40-17:05 and Friday 14:40-17:05

C.  Japanese Language for Science and Technology I-Cこのリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます
 Monday 16:20-18:45 and Friday 16:20-18:45
How to apply Please send an e-mail to the Office of International Affairs at Saitama University ( ryugaku@gr.saitama-u.ac.jp) with the following required information.

Subject: Open classes to Ukrainian refugees
Main text description:
②Date of birth
④Address (current address in Saitama Prefecture)
⑤E-mail address
⑥Telephone number
⑦Class you wish to take(Please read the class description and chose the class(es) from A to C listed above.)
Application deadline September 25 (Sun), 2022
Reference ?Website of Saitama University
 Japanese (/index.htmlこのリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます)
 English (http://en.saitama-u.ac.jp/このリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます)

?Academic Calendar
 Japanese (http://park.saitama-u.ac.jp/~zengaku/gakunenreki.pdfこのリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます)
 English (http://en.saitama-u.ac.jp/studentlife/academic-calendar-2/このリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます)

Requests in case of coming to the university Saitama University is taking measures against COVID-19 infection. Please behave as follows.

?Wear a mask.
?Refrain from talking when using public transportation (trains, buses).
?Use the alcohol disinfectant solution, tissues (or kitchen paper) provided at the building entrances, corridors, classrooms, etc. to wash your hands and fingers.
?Eat in silence when eating on campus.
?Wear a mask properly when not eating or drinking.

If you are infected with COVID-19, identified as a close contact, or have symptoms that suggest infection, do not come to the school, but report your condition to the Office of International Affairs by e-mail.
Apply/Inquiry Saitama University Office of International Affairs

TEL 048-858-3011
e-mail: ryugaku@gr.saitama-u.ac.jp