



Class Implementation in FY 2022 (Notice)

March 18,2022

To new students and current students

Executive Director Tetsuya Yanagisawa

Class Implementation in FY 2022 (Notice)

 Considering the current 2022 situation, classes for Term 1 and Term 2 and the first semester of FY 2022 will be conducted as "face-to-face classes in principle (in some departments, classes may be conducted remotely)," as stated in the prior notice.
 However, if the infection situation in the community or on campus worsens, in principle, we will temporarily employ a hi-flextime method (a method of delivering face-to-face classes in classrooms in real time).

Notes on attending classes

1. About commuting to school
 Please wear a mask (non-woven fabric mask recommended) to go to school.
When using public transportation (By train or bus), please refrain from conversation.
 Everyone takes responsible actions to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

2. About attending classes
 (1)Wear a mask (non-woven fabric mask recommended).
 (2)Handwashing, etc.
  Please wash your hands and gargle before and after class. In addition, disinfect your hands with alcohol disinfectant installed at the entrance of the building, hallway, classroom, etc.
 (* Hand washing with soap is effective as a basic measure against infectious diseases.)

 (3)Please leave classroom doors and windows open for ventilation.
 *Even on a day when it is difficult to open the window wide due to rain, please open it a little.

 (4)Registration in the seating position management system
 When seated, be sure to register where you are seated using the seating position verification system. The Seating Position Confirmation System is a system to record the seating positions in your classrooms so that we can respond quickly in the event of COVID-19 on campus.

 Seats in classrooms and remote learning spaces have stickers with QR codes for smartphones and URLs for PCs printed on them, so please register information every time you use a seat in class. Also, once you enter your student ID and name for the first time, it will be automatically displayed after the second time. We ask for your cooperation in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Seating position information is strictly controlled and is not used for purposes other than preventing the spread of infection.

 *Scan the QR code attached to the desk and register your seat number.
 The stickers indicate 2/3 or 1/3 of the seating positions and X which cannot be used. However, if the infection situation worsens and the high-flex-type class is conducted, the stickers indicate how to use them. Therefore, in the case of face-to-face classes, you can use the seats with X.

(5) remote learning space
 If you take a high-flex-style class in the campus, please take it in the classroom allocated for face-to-face class. If the classroom is crowded, please use the remote learning space. If you take the class in the campus, please prepare a headset. The use time of the distance learning space is 8: 45 ~ 18: 00.

See Hereこのリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます for the location of remote learning spaces.

3. When you eat, keep in mind silent eating.
 Let's take care of each other when we use the co-op cafeteria.
 Please wear a mask properly except when eating and drinking.

4. Application for consideration due to difficulty in commuting to school
In the case of the following reasons attributable to COVID-19, special consideration will be given upon application for approval. The content varies depending on the class.
 *Here is the application form.エクセルファイル

 (1) If the student has an underlying medical condition and has been advised by a doctor to refrain from attending school
 (Submission of "Medical Certificate by a Physician")

 (2) In case that a family member living together cannot attend school due to an underlying disease, etc.
 (Submission of "Statement of Reasons" prepared by Guarantor)

 (3) Foreign students who cannot enter Japan

*In hi-flex-style classes (real-time delivery of face-to-face classes in classrooms)
 The teacher will inform you about the method of consideration such as attending classes.

5. How to take a hi-flex-method class
 Take real-time online classes using Zoom, a web conferencing system.
 By the day of the class, the teacher in charge will send a WebClass message with the "Participation meeting URL (lecture room on Zoom), ID and password".
 *E-mail is notified when a message arrives in WebClass. The notification destination is the email address given by the university. Please check the address on the WEB student system. Also, if necessary, make settings such as forwarding to personal addresses.

?To download and install Zoom, please visit:.      
 Zoom Quick Start Manual for Students (saitama-u.ac.jp)このリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます

?Check the following points to be aware of when taking remote classes via Zoom
 rule.pdf (saitama-u.ac.jp)このリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます

6. The class hours are as follows, 1 session is 90 minutes.
 Hereこのリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます is the academic calendar for FY 2022.
 (Please note that this report is also available in fiscal 2021.)

PERIOD 1   9:00~10:30
PERIOD 2   10:40~12:10
PERIOD 3   13:00~14:30
PERIOD 4   14:40~16:10
PERIOD 5   16:20~17:50
PERIOD 6   18:00~19:30
PERIOD 7   19:40~21:10

Reports of COVID-19

Please report from the following site.

[To Students, Faculty and Staff] How to report COVID-19 to the University (Notification (saitama-u.ac.jp)このリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます

Sites related to COVID-19

[Dear Students] Updated Saitama University Student Action Guidelines (saitama-u.ac.jp)このリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます

Manuals for measures against COVID-19このリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます

[Summary] Response to COVID-19 (saitama-u.ac.jp)このリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます
