ワクチン接種希望調査において接種を希望しなかった方も職域接種(大学拠点接種)を受けられます ?Those who did not wish to be vaccinated in the Survey for Vaccination can still be vaccinated at Saitama University (university-based vaccination)
English version below
埼 玉 大 学
1回目 9月13日(月)~ 9月17日(金)
2回目 10月11日(月)~ 10月15日(金)
例)1回目:9月13日(月) 9:15 → 2回目:10月11日(月) 9:15
接種券番号:生年月日と00 (10桁)を入力してください。
例)2021年1月1日生まれの方の場合 → 2021010100
当初予約日 予約変更可能期間
9/13(月) 9月6日~9日(17:00まで)
9/14(火) 9月6日~10日(17:00まで)
9/15(水) 9月6日~11日(17:00まで)
9/16(木) 9月6日~12日(17:00まで)
9/17(金) 9月6日~13日(17:00まで)
①接種券 ②予診票 ③本人が確認できる書類(学生証、健康保険証、運転免許証等)
以 上
We are now accepting reservations for those who wish to be vaccinated among those who answered "No" or "No response" to the " Survey for Vaccination" conducted between August 12 (Thu.) and August 23 (Mon.), 2021.
1.Vaccination schedule
The schedule was undecided at the Survey for Vaccination, but as announced on the website, it is as follows
First dose: September 13 (Mon) to September 17 (Fri),2021
Second dose: October 11 (Mon) to October 15 (Fri),2021
The second dose vaccination will be on the same day and at the same time four weeks after the first dose vaccination.
Example: 1st dose : September 13(Mon), 9:15 am
→ 2nd dose : October 11(Mon), 9:15 am
2. Make a Reservation
?Those who wish to be vaccinated and are sure to receive two doses of vaccination on the above schedule can make a reservation online from the reservation website.
?Information stated on your Vaccination Ticket, sent from the city of your residence, is required to make a reservation.
?Note that the reservation will be closed when the number of applicants reaches the maximum number of vaccine available.
?Vaccination at SU is limited to 18 years or older
3. Those who do not know the vaccination ticket number?municipality number
If you don’t have the vaccination ticket sent from the city of your residence, and don’t know the vaccination ticket number or municipality number, please enter the temporary number as follows to proceed.
[Temporary number]
Mmunicipality : Please enter "000000" (6 digits).
Vaccination ticket number: Please enter your date of birth and 00 (10 digits).
Example) born on January 1, 2021 → 2021010100
* If you use a temporary number, please contact us to the following 8 as soon as you know the regular number.
4. To Change your Reservation
?If you need to make changes to your reservation, you may do so from “My Page” of the reservation website, only if an alternative schedule is available.
?You must first cancel your reservation before make a new reservation for the date you wish to change.
?Please note that the period during which you can change the date of vaccination varies depending on the date of vaccination.
Reservation date Period to change your reservation
9/13 (Mon) 9/6-9/9 (until 17:00)
9/14 (Tue) 9/6-9/10 (until 17:00)
9/15 (Wed) 9/6-11th (until 17:00)
9/16 (Thu) 9/6-9/12 (until 17:00)
9/17 (Fri) 9/6-9/13 (until 17:00)
5. To cancel your Reservation
Reservations may be canceled until the day before the vaccination date.
6. Precautions on the day of vaccination
?Measure your body temperature at home before vaccination. We ask you to reschedule your reservation if you have a clear fever or if you feel unwell. Please contact the office specified in 8. below.
? Please be sure to bring the following 3 items on the day of vaccination.
(1) Vaccination ticket, sent from the city of your residence (2) Medical pre-examination questionnaire sheet (3) Personal ID (student card, health insurance card, driver’s license, etc.)
? Please fill in the places that can be filled in the Medical pre-examination questionnaire sheet in advance.
? Even if you do not receive the vaccination ticket from the municipality by the first reservation, you can still receive the vaccination as reserved. In that case, please be sure to bring it on the second vaccination and submit it to the reception.
? If you do not receive the pre-examination questionnaire from the municipality by the first reservation, please print the pre-examination slip below, fill in the necessary information, and bring it with you.
■pre-examination slip
? Since the injection will be given in the upper arm, please wear clothes that can easily expose your shoulders.
7. Remarks
For more details, please see “Occupational Vaccination for COVID-19 (University-based vaccination) at Saitama University ” posted on the university website on August 27.
8. Contact information
General Affairs Department, General Affairs Division
E-mail: soumu@gr.saitama-u.ac.jp
TEL: 080-5057-8946