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  • インド大使館参事官が坂井学長を表敬訪問 ”Courtesy Call to SU President by Counsellor from the Embassy of India”

インド大使館参事官が坂井学長を表敬訪問 ”?Courtesy Call to SU President by Counsellor from the Embassy of India”


2021年4月28日(水)、インド大使館からUsha Dixit 参事官が、本学を訪問されました。本学はインド工科大学ハイデラバード校(IITH)と学術交流協定を締結しており、日本政府が積極的に推進しているIITH支援プロジェクトに、コンソーシアム協力校としても参加しています。


On April 28 (Wed), 2021, Dr. Usha Dixit, a counsellor (S&T) from the Embassy of India, Tokyo, visited Saitama University (SU). SU has concluded an academic exchange agreement with Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (IITH), and is also participating as a consortium partner in projects of supporting IITH that the Japanese government is actively promoting.

After her courtesy call to our President, she had a round-table meeting with Prof. Hideo Ichihashi (Vice President for International Affairs and Global Education), Prof. Yasunao Matsumoto(Graduate of Science and Engineering), Prof. Taro Uchimura(Graduate of Science and Engineering) and Prof. Satoshi Iijima(Center for International Development Education and Research). Mr. Singh Vidit, a doctoral student from IITH supported by JICA also participated in the meeting. We shared active opinions on the possibility of future exchange of researchers.

From left: Prof. Ichihashi, Dr. Usha Dixit, President Sakai, Prof. Matsumoto

Front row: Mr. Vidit, Prof. Uchimura, Prof. Matsumoto,
Prof. Ichihashi, Prof. Iijima
Back row: Dr. Usha Dixit, Mr. Maheshwaran
