





Fazal Ahmed Khalidラホール工科大学長(左)と川本教授(右)

パキスタンの国立大学の一つであるラホール工科大学と本学は、2018年9月11日に大学間協定(Memorandum of Understanding; MOU)を締結しました。MOU署名式はラホール工科大学で執り行われ、Fazal Ahmed Khalidラホール工科大学長らが参加し、本学からは大学院理工学研究科の川本健教授とAdnan Anwar Malik助教が参加しました。同日、同大学にてAcademic Exchange Seminarも開催されました。MOUに基づき、今後はラホール工科大学から埼玉大学への優秀な留学生のさらなる受け入れや、教員間あるいは学科間の共同研究を促進していく予定です。

ラホール工科大学は、1921年に創設されたMughalpura Technical Collegeを前身とし、現在4つのキャンパスに、7学部(26学科)を有するパキスタンにおける工学分野でトップの大学である。学部学生は約11,500人、大学院生は約2,500人である。周辺各国からの留学生も300人を超える。

ラホール工科大学HP(2018年9月18日現在): http://uet.edu.pk/

[Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (UETL) and Saitama University (SU)]

On September 11, 2018, Saitama University (SU), Japan has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (UETL). The signing ceremony was held at the Vice Chancellor office of UETL, Pakistan. MoU process was accomplished through the sincere efforts of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of SU and Geological Engineering Department of UETL. Pakistani alumni of Saitama University were also present during the signing ceremony. In addition to the signing ceremony, Prof. Ken Kawamoto and Assist. Prof. Adnan Anwar Malik of Saitama University also participated in the 1st Academic Exchange Seminar organized by the Geological Engineering Department of UETL.

[Brief Description: University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore (UETL)]
UETL is a government university in Pakistan and was originally established in 1921 with the name of Mughalpura Technical College. At present, UETL has 7 faculties, namely, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Chemical, Metallurgical & Polymer Engineering, Faculty of Earth Sciences & Engineering, Faculty of Architecture & Planning and Faculty of Natural Sciences, Humanities & Islamic Studies. These 7 faculties comprise of 26 engineering departments. Moreover, the university has 4 sub-campuses and 11 affiliated colleges. The UETL also offered 37 MS/MPhil level programs and 18 Ph.D. level programs. In the recent past, there has been a substantial rise in students' enrollment and the figure has now gone up to over 11500. Currently, 2484 students are pursuing postgraduate studies. The number of female students enrolling in different disciplines is ever on the increase and is 2293 at present. The number of foreign students coming from countries, like Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Kenya, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka is over 332 which gives the University Campus a cosmopolitan character.

Web site of UETL (As of Sep. 18, 2018): http://uet.edu.pk/
