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  • ティラク?マハラシュトラ大学(インド)との大学間交流協定を締結 Agreement with Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth (TMV), India, Signed

ティラク?マハラシュトラ大学(インド)との大学間交流協定を締結 Agreement with Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth (TMV), India, Signed



今回は、TMVから Tilak 副総長、Tilak 統括部長、Atre日本語学部助教が来訪し、市橋秀夫教養学部長、野中進国際本部国際企画室長、中本進一人文社会科学研究科教授列席のもと、Tilak 副総長と本学山口宏樹学長が学術交流協定書及び学生交流覚書に署名しました。

調印式前には、教養学部関係教員との懇談も行われ、今後の学術交流及び学生交流の具体的計画について精力的に協議が行われました。Tilak 副総長からは「この協定締結により、今後多くの埼大生がインドに留学し、我が国をより良く理解してくれることを期待している」とのコメントがありました。

The University Agreement between Saitama University (SU) and Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth (TMV) was signed on August 22, 2016. TMV was established in Pune as a commemoration of Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, a hero of the anti-British pro-independence movement from the end of 19th to the beginning of 20th century.

Dr. Deepak Tilak, Vice Chancellor, Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth (TMV) visited our campus for the signing ceremony with SU. Followed by welcome remarks from Dr. Hiroki Yamaguchi, the President of SU, he and Dr. Deepak Tilak of TMV signed the University Agreements and exchanged the folders in the presence of Dr. Rohit Tilak, General Body Member of TMV, and Assistant Professor Shrikant Atre of TMV, Prof.Ichihashi, Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prof. Nonaka, Director of Office of International Affairs, and Prof. Nakamoto of Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Prior to the signing ceremony, TMV delegates and the faculty of Liberal Arts discussed future frameworks of exchange schemes including internship opportunities for students of both universities. Dr. Deepak Tilak says, “We sincerely hope that Saitama University students come to study in India under this agreement and they understand India much better.”

Tilak副総長、山口学長 / Dr. Deepak Tilak of TMV and Dr. Hiroki Yamaguchi, the President of SU

調印式の記念撮影 / Signing Ceremony



ティラク?マハラシュトラ大学(TMV) HP
