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  • ロシア連邦タタールスタン共和国より表敬訪問がありました First Deputy Minister of Republic of Tatarstan Visits Saitama University

ロシア連邦タタールスタン共和国より表敬訪問がありました First Deputy Minister of Republic of Tatarstan Visits Saitama University



Mr. Khalil Shaykhutdinov, First Deputy Minister of Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sport of the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan, the capital city), visited Saitama University on Monday, October 6th, 2014 (the Republic of Tatarstan is a federal subject of the Russian Federation.). They paid a courtesy call to Prof. Hiroki Yamaguchi, President of Saitama University and Prof. Seiichiro Nakabayashi, Director-General of International Office, also joined by Dr. Kazuhiko Sawada, Professor of Liberal Arts.
After the welcome greetings from the President Yamaguchi, the President introduced overview of Saitama University to Mr. Shaykhutdinov. They discussed political and economic conditions, environmental issues, education system, and exchanged opinions about the potential future relationship with our university.
The Republic of Tatarstan has been promoted as a center of Russian sports, such as the Universiade in last year, the World Swimming Championships next year, and the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia, for which some matches will be hosted in the Republic of Tatarstan. Athletes’ dormitories of the Universiade are now used as student dormitories of Kazan Federal University, with which our Faculty of Liberal Arts concluded the inter-faculty agreement.

The third from the left; Mr. Khalil Shaykhutdinov
The third from the right; President Yamaguchi)
