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  • 令和4年度埼玉大学卒業式?大学院修了式について【Saitama University Graduation Ceremony for the academic year 2022】

令和4年度埼玉大学卒業式?大学院修了式について【Saitama University Graduation Ceremony for the academic year 2022】

2023/3/3 感染防止対策に関する諸注意を更新しました
2023/3/15 感染防止対策に関する諸注意を更新し、式次第と記念撮影用パネルについて追記しました

写真は平成30年度のものです。The picture is from 2018.


 The Graduation Ceremony will be held as follows after taking measures to prevent infection with the COVID-19 virus.
 In addition, due to the convenience of this year's venue, the Ceremony will be held in two parts, in the morning and afternoon, for each Faculty and Graduate School. Please note that it may change depending on the spread of infection. If there are any changes, we will let you know on this page.

1.日時及び出席対象者 The date and time / Eligible to attend the ceremony

Friday, March 24, 2023

午前の部 Morning Part

時間 10時30分開式(9時45分受付開始、10時20分までに入場)
Ceremony starts at 10:30 (Reception starts at 9:45, Entry before 10:20)
対象者 教養学部、経済学部、教育学部 卒業生
大学院人文社会科学研究科、大学院教育学研究科 修了生
Faculty of Liberal Arts, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Education
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Graduate School of Education

午後の部 Afternoon Part

時間 14時00分開式(13時15分受付開始、13時50分までに入場)
Ceremony starts at 14:00 (Reception starts at 13:15, Entry before 13:50)
対象者 澳门电子游艺场_越南鸿运赌场论坛-彩客网彩票推荐、工学部 卒業生
大学院理工学研究科 修了生
Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering
Graduate School of Science and Engineering

 We also have seats for family members.However, please note that family members may be restricted from visiting the venue depending on the spread of infection.


2.会場 Venue

大宮ソニックシティ 大ホール(所在地:さいたま市大宮区桜木町1-7-5)このリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます
(最寄り駅: JR大宮駅西口 徒歩3分)

Omiya Sonic City - Main Hall(1-7-5 Sakuragi-cho, Omiya-ku, Saitama-shi)このリンクは別ウィンドウで開きます
(3-minute walk from Omiya station West exit)

3.諸注意 Notices

● 式典当日は来場登録票(サンプル)このリンクは別ウィンドウで開きますを配付いたしますので、スマホ等によるWeb登録または用紙に直接記入し、来場者登録をお願いいたします。
On the day of the ceremony, we will distribute Visitor Registration Form (sample), so please register on the web using your smartphone or fill out the form directly to register as a visitor.

● ご来場の際は、公共交通機関のご利用をお願いいたします。
Please use public transportation when you come to the venue.

● 37.5℃以上の発熱や風邪の諸症状等の不調がある方のご来場はご遠慮ください。検温の結果によって、入場をお断りする場合があります。
Please refrain from coming if you have a fever of 37.5°C or higher, various symptoms of a cold, or other ailments. Depending on the results of the temperature measurement, visitors may be denied entry.

The wearing of masks during the ceremony will be left to the discretion of the individual.
Please continue to follow basic infection control measures such as cough etiquette and hand sanitizer.

For information on how to hand over diplomas, please contact the student affairs staff of your Faculty and Graduate School.


4.お問い合わせ Contact Us

General Affairs Division, Saitama University


5.記念撮影用パネルについて About a standing signboard for commemorative photos

 We are planning to set up a standing signboard for commemorative photos on campus from March 22nd(Wed) to 24th(Fri). For more information, please refer to the map below.
